Erica C. Fleming

Assistant Director of Teaching and Learning
Penn State College of IST


In my current role, I spend a lot of time researching teaching and learning practices to assist faculty and to develop relevant and responsive faculty development programming. Recently I had the opportunity to write about my work, and my first academic article was published in March 2021 (see citation below). It shares the work that TLT does promoting digital fluency in students.  

Additionally, in Fall 2021 I will begin a Ph.D. program in Curriculum and Instruction at Penn State. I look forward to much more research and writing in my future


Fleming, E.C., Robert, J., Sparrow, J., Wee, J., Dudas, P., and Slattery, M.J. (2021) A Digital Fluency Framework to Support 21st-Century Skills. Change: The Magazine of Higher Learning, 53:2, 41-48.